Reading the article “4 Fallacious Reasons Why We Estimate”, I felt it missed the most important part of why we estimate. The article seemed to suggest that estimation is only fraught with drawbacks and is ultimately useless. However, from my experience working with various teams at Red Hat, I believe that estimation holds significant value, albeit for reasons that might not be immediately apparent. In this blog post, I will delve into why we estimate, addressing misconceptions and highlighting the true value of this practice.

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Migrating emails from one Gmail account to another can be a daunting task, especially when you need to ensure that no emails are lost, and all tags (labels) are accurately transferred. This guide will walk you through the process, highlighting the common challenges and the tools you can use to make the migration smoother.

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Summer is heating up in the Eclipse Che ecosystem. More contributors, including Red Hat and SAP, are joining the Che adventure. Everyone is working hard on Che improvements, such as implementing the Language Server Protocol and multi-container workspaces.

But they are not the only ones working this summer.

Earlier this year, Florent and I submitted a few ideas to the Google Summer of Code (GSoC). The GSoC is a program organized by Google to encourage students to be more involved in open-source projects. Students get a well-paid summer job, and open-source projects gain promising new contributors. As part of the Eclipse Foundation, Eclipse Che is participating in this year’s Google Summer of Code. Codenvy and Serli are also participating as Eclipse Che GSoC project mentors for 2016.

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This blog post will soon be available in French on the Serli blog site.

Once again, I spent a fantastic week at EclipseCon France in Toulouse. A huge thank you to the Eclipse Foundation for organizing this amazing event! This year, I learned a lot and had many interesting discussions about Eclipse technologies.

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This year, I am participating in Google Summer of Code as a mentor for the Eclipse umbrella organization. I’ve submitted a few ideas about Eclipse Che and Eclipse Flux, and some of them have been selected. I am mentoring the project “Pair Programming with Eclipse Che,” which involves improving an existing prototype I demonstrated at various developer conferences. You can check out the GitHub pair programming Che extension.

A few days ago, my padawan Randika encountered issues setting up his Eclipse IDE on the latest Ubuntu. He faced problems with GTK3 and experienced strange performance issues. I suggested he run the Eclipse IDE inside a Docker container, which worked fine. However, since we are not in the same location, it was difficult to assist him with advanced IDE configurations like GWT super dev mode.

I posted in our Gitter chat room, “Let’s try something fun,” and we decided to launch Eclipse IDE inside an Eclipse Che Docker workspace hosted by Codenvy beta. When I posted a screenshot of this a few hours later, I received a lot of interactions on Twitter from the community: “Say whaaat?”, “WTF? :)”, “Got some more info? :)“, and “Worth writing a blog post on how to set this up?”

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