Java Software Engineer

Sun S. D. Tan

+33 621 024 173 @_sunix


Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat (2022 - 2024)

Eclipse JKube Project

  • Project Description: Facilitated the integration of Java applications with Kubernetes and OpenShift. Extended traditional Java build tools like Maven and Gradle for cloud-native deployments.
  • Key Contributions:
    • Enhanced project based on community feedback, ensuring high quality and functionality.
    • Presented at over 15 conferences, sharing best practices for Java cloud-native development using JKube.
    • Reviewed 124 pull requests and authored 47, contributing new features and improvements.
    • Technologies Used: Java, Apache Maven, Gradle, Kubernetes.

Fabric8 Kubernetes Java Client

  • Project Description: Simplified management of Kubernetes resources via Java applications, aiding organizations in automating deployments and operations.
  • Key Contributions:
    • Expanded library to support all Kubernetes resources by adding new DSL entry points and model types.
    • Implemented community-requested features and promptly fixed bugs, maintaining adherence to latest Kubernetes standards.
    • Authored 1 blog post and presented at 1 conference on effective use of the library.
    • Reviewed 61 pull requests and authored 6 to enhance functionality and stability.
    • Technologies Used: Java, GoLang, Kubernetes.

Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat (2017 - 2022)

Eclipse Che, Eclipse Theia, and Openshift Devspaces

  • Project Descriptions:
    • Eclipse Che: Online IDE platform simplifying software development directly from a web browser.
    • Eclipse Theia: Modular, extensible IDE used on both desktop and cloud.
    • Openshift Devspaces: Secure, consistent development experience in Kubernetes and OpenShift environments.
  • Key Contributions:
    • Developed and integrated the first Minishift addon for Che.
    • Adapted and fixed the public version of Eclipse Che for Red Hat Summit demos.
    • Enabled the Pull Request panel in Che6.
    • Innovated co-editing features in Che6 for real-time collaborative coding.
    • Adapted Che features to Theia, including Factory integration and bidirectional project synchronization.
    • Utilized Che for development, contributing to Che-theia and fixing bugs in various plugins.
    • Reviewed 140 pull requests and authored 135, enhancing features and stability.
    • Promoted Che through demonstrations and at over 15 conferences, including Devoxx France and EclipseCon.
    • Technologies Used: Java, Typescript, Docker, Kubernetes.

Tech Lead at Amadeus Paris (via Serli) (2015 - 2017)

  • Responsibilities: Led the development and maintenance team for travel booking sites.
  • Key Contributions:
    • Implemented Docker environments and created a Docker registry.
    • Developed Docker images replicating production and pre-production environments.
    • Authored an internal guide on Boot2docker.
    • Migrated projects from SVN to Git Stash.
    • Conducted Java code refactoring and load testing.
    • Improved software delivery processes and developed integration tests using Webdriver.
    • Resolved numerous bugs.

Tech Lead, Architect, and Developer at Codenvy (via Serli) (2013 - 2015)

  • Project Descriptions:
    • Developed Codenvy, a collaborative cloud development platform, leading to the creation of Eclipse Che and Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces.
  • Key Contributions:
    • Developed initial plugins for Eclipse Che, including database management and PR workflow enhancements.
    • Mentored two junior developers.
    • Presented at over 11 conferences, showcasing topics like pair programming and cloud development with Eclipse Che.

Various Short-Term Projects at Serli (2013 - 2017)

  • Practice Insight (Australia): Developed case and document management software using Nuxeo and GWT.
  • CNAV: Developed diagnostic tools for the open-source SSO connector Jaaslounge.
  • Java Community Process / JBoss Weld Project: Improved Weld-OSGi during the update to OSGi 4.3.1.
  • Nuxeo Community: Enhanced Nuxeo IDE and implemented XML component autocompletion.
  • Zenika: Conducted approximately 15 Selenium Webdriver training sessions.

Nuxeo (2007 - 2013)

  • Nuxeo Core Java Developer:
    • Developed Eclipse tools for Nuxeo plugin development.
    • Contributed to Nuxeo EP, DM, CMF, and Webengine.
    • Developed an Eclipse RCP platform for Nuxeo server connections and integrated live edit components in office suites.
    • Created a functional testing framework based on Selenium Webdriver.
  • Nuxeo Java Developer - Production Team:
    • Developed content management systems for Press Association (London) and IRSN (Paris).
  • Scrum Master:
    • Managed Scrum for Nuxeo projects.
  • Training Department Manager:
    • Maintained training materials and conducted over 50 training sessions and consultations.

Other Professional Experience

  • Economic Outlook Ltd (Adelaide, Australia) (2006 - 2007): Developed child management software and ad management tools using Eclipse RCP.
  • Metaware Scopteam (Paris, France) (2006): Conducted load testing and optimization for Java applications.
  • Thales Communication (Colombes, France) (2004): Developed military software in C++.
  • Netpepper (Paris, France) (2003): Developed a web application for sharing bookmarks and files using Java and .NET.

Community Involvement

ParisJUG Crew Member (2015 - Present)

JUG Leader (2019 - 2023)

  • ParisJUG: The Paris Java User Group (ParisJUG) is a community for Java enthusiasts in Paris, hosting regular meetups, talks, and events to share knowledge and foster collaboration among developers.
  • Role as JUG Leader:
    • Organized and coordinated monthly meetups, bringing together Java experts to share insights and best practices.
    • Curated content for events, ensuring a diverse range of topics and high-quality presentations.
    • Fostered community engagement through social media and networking events.
    • Managed logistics for events, including venue selection, speaker coordination, and attendee registration.
    • Enhanced the group’s visibility and membership through strategic partnerships and outreach.
    • Maintained the group’s website and other communication channels, ensuring timely updates and information dissemination.

Devoxx France Volunteer (2018 - 2019)

  • Role: Assisted in the organization of Devoxx France as part of the “gilets rouges” team.
  • Contributions:
    • Supported event logistics, including registration, session coordination, and attendee assistance.
    • Helped set up and manage the venue, ensuring a smooth experience for speakers and participants.
    • Provided on-site support during the event, resolving issues and facilitating communication between organizers and attendees.


  • Master in Engineering - Computer Science and Networks (2001 - 2004) - Université de Marne-la-Vallée
  • Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie in Computer Science (1999 - 2001) - Université Paris 8
  • First Cambridge in English, Level B (2005) - St. Mark’s International College, Sydney, Australia
  • Professional Knowledge Certificate in Software Qualification (2005) - Fitec, Paris, France
  • Scientific Baccalaureate, Mathematics Specialty (1999) - Lycée Charlemagne Paris, France


  • Software Development: Java, TypeScript, C++, GoLang, .NET
  • Frameworks & Platforms: Quarkus, Eclipse RCP, Nuxeo, Spring, Struts
  • Web Development: ReactJS, AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Testing Tools: Selenium Webdriver
  • Containers & Cloud: Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift
  • CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, GitHub Actions
  • Cloud Platforms: AWS, Google Cloud, OpenShift
  • Version Control & Configuration Management: Git, SVN, Apache Maven, Gradle
  • Collaboration: Agile methodologies, Scrum Master, Kanban, team management
  • Development Environments & Tools: Eclipse, Visual Studio Code